Sunday, May 22, 2011

Woo!! First Fertile Eggs For This Year!

Found my first fertile eggs of the season while taking care of everybody tonight. :D Super excited, they're from Inigo x Liebchen. It's only been a week and a half since I bred them! When I candled them the "cheerios" were pretty small, so they may have been *just* laid, or they might be a bit funky since this is her first breeding ever. Last year with a first year female I didn't get as many babies as I typically do with an experienced gal, so I wouldn't be surprised if there are some funky eggs this year - I'm going to have several first timers!

But in any case, they're nicely calcified and I'll candle them again in a few days to see if the "cheerio" has grown and looks a little more normal. I'm just happy they're fertile, this means I should be getting at least some good eggs out of her this season now. Next to try is Panic! Well, actually we've tried twice with no luck. There's this fake hollow log in Inigo's cage that I need to remove the day before (I always forget and then if I remove it at night he freaks out - such a sensitive soul)... and they always seem to get stuck up inside at the solid end of it, where breeding is impossible. So, note to self, better planning!

Totally ending on the happy note though. Fertile eggs! YAY!!! Now the waiting begins. I have to put the incubator somewhere I don't look very often or I get obsessed, even though they're a good two and a half months away from hatching, give or take. Can't wait for my first (hopefully) creamy lavender babies. :D

I also got two more geckos to their new owner, and I am happy about that. I know they'll be well-cared for and loved at their new home, and that is always a great thing! I've sold quite a few now, I'll need to play tank tetris soon to make sure everybody is in the best digs possible!

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