Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Finally! More Success!!!

Finally got Inigo and Panic to do their thing! I took the log out two days ago and tried them last night with no luck. He's such a stinkin' sensitive gecko he gets freaked out if I put my hand in there, but then again, I have to put the female directly in front of him to get him interested. So it's kind of a catch 22 and I have to be careful. Tonight the stars aligned or something, because they finally did the deed. Pretty excited, I was getting concerned that I wasn't going to get babies from this pair for the year. And now I don't have to mess with Inigo in the middle of the night anymore, even better! He is so violent afterwards too, he grabbed her back leg when I was taking her out of his cage and he would not let go for anything. She was biting me out of desperation, so I started flicking him on the head and he finally let go. Big bully!

I peeked at Perdi since I just stuck a laybox in her cage two nights ago... and she was half in it! So she's getting close to laying, and hopefully those will be fertile.

I also candled Liebchen's eggs again and saw something I'd never seen before. I always mark the eggs where the "cheerio" is and put that line up in the incubator. Tonight when I candled them the cheerios had moved! Both of em, probably 1/4 inch to one side. I'm still going to leave them line up and I bet they realign at some point, because I've heard of breeders who have tried putting their eggs in the incubator with the cheerio at the bottom (on purpose, as an experiment) and it always moved to the top. I just thought it was interesting, as I've never seen the cheerio move after being marked. Who knows though, they're still very very early in the development process and like I said in an earlier post, they are from a virgin female and may be a little "funky". I will see if I can get some pics or video of the magical golden "cheerio" in the next few days to show some folks who may not know what it looks like. :)

And in final news, there is a new gecko coming tomorrow, yay! A friend of mine bred her and has kept her for me for a long time, so I'm excited to finally meet her. She's a female gargoyle gecko who I named Hida (I was having a "HIDA scan", a gallbladder scan, the day I decided to get her). I haven't seen recent pictures of her in awhile, so I look forward to seeing what she looks like nowadays. She also is a survivor of a bizarre, unexplained "burn" incident - I'll post more about it with photos after she's here. Praying for a safe trip for my new girl!!

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