The female, who is a sweetheart:
And the male:
The younger female met with some setbacks - she laid two clutches of eggs (infertile fortunately) and lost a lot of weight as a result, as well as adding additional kinks to her tail. However, thankfully because I was supplementing her with calcium and other vitamins, she did not calcium crash. She is now eating better than ever before and working on regaining the weight she has lost, and I have successfully stopped her laying. She still has a little way to go and will need to be watched closely, but I have found her a home with a local friend who I know will do a great job caring for her. The friend is actually the one who originally discovered these cresties being kept in such poor conditions, and she picked them up and delivered them to me. It all has come full circle!!
I'm quite happy with the homes I've found for these rescues, and even more pleased with the recoveries they made. Now they're moving out, and I've got lots of new kids moving in. ;) More on that soon!
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