In the spring of 2010 my friend had a horrific and completely unexpected occurance happen to several of her baby geckos. She fed several of her animals (4 baby cresties, 2 baby gargoyles, and 2 sub-adult cresties) butterworms one day. She noticed that as the geckos bit into the worms the worms arched and released a clear fluid onto the faces of the geckos. There are other details, but in a nutshell, after those geckos shed it became clear that they had caustic burns (scales missing and all), 2 severely. The reason never became fully clear though thankfully the geckos did recover. Read through Styx's forum thread, "A Warning: Use Caution With Butterworms", to get all the details, hypotheses, vet information, and more. I especially recommend reading it if you feed butterworms to any Rhac species (they seem especially vulnerable with their small scales and delicate, thin skin.
Before this incident occured, I had already decided to purchase a baby gargoyle from Styx because it was from a beautiful red base pairing and I loved both parents. Unfortunately my little baby, "Hida" was one of the gargoyles to be burned, and one of the 2 most severely burned geckos. Here are some photos of her post-burn - she has salve on her, hence her "goopy" appearance (all photos in this post are by Styx):
She was truly a sorry sight for quite some time. I told Styx I was still going to take her anyway, no matter how she turned out, and give her a loving forever home. Hida did heal up and I got her last year. Before she came to me she was a very stunted, slow-growing baby who Styx didn't think would ever reach normal size, so Styx requested I not breed her because of her history. However, the amazing part is that she is now a huge, healthy female who has even had to go on a diet! She is by far the largest-bodied and heaviest animal in my collection. Hearing this, Styx gave me the go ahead to breed her this year! Whoo hoo! She is a red based, orange blotched reticulated. Simply gorgeous (I'll be getting photos of her soon). I can't wait to breed her to Frank, those are going to be some stunners of babies. Red bases all around, if I had to guess! So as for the gargoyles, this year I will be breeding Frank to Hida and trying again with Pâté as well. I really hope to be successful, I just love gargoyle hatchlings. They're so chubby and adorable.
On the crested gecko front, Styx helped me out there too! Ok she probably coerced me, but I'm perfectly happy with the result. :) I had been looking for a mate for my extreme harlequin male "Vizzini", so asked her if she had any adult females for sale. She named a few off and I fell head over heels for "Nova", a tri-color extreme harlequin female she was considering selling. She's a beautiful girl and I've been told she's even better in person. Check out her awesome sauce:
Then Styx played dirty, showing me an ad she had just posted for an outstanding young male lavender extreme harlequin with markings that I *love*. Besides his base color, he looks a ton like his dad, the now-famous Inazuma:
I can trace back my little guy's lineage 2 generations, with photos of all grandparents. He is without a doubt a cornerstone male worth building a project around, and I plan to! I will be breeding him to "Nova" (I may change her name) when he's old/big enough. He's only about 10 grams right now. But he's outstanding, and will only get better! I'm going to have to come up with the perfect name for such an incredible animal. Here are some photos of him:
Isn't he just the most handsome little devil? I'm thrilled with him and can't wait for both of them join me (it'll be a few more months or so for weather purposes). I may still breed Nova to Vizzini (if she's not still gravid by one of Styx's males) to see what he produces, but as of now he's for sale. I am male-heavy and I just don't really have any females that would compliment his unique pattern/color, and can't find any either.
Lots of changes, but I am happy with where this is going. I have a feeling lavender and creams are going to stay in my future for awhile, what with this new boy and also I'll probably be keeping my 100% lavender pinstripe male to breed into my current lavender/cream lines. And I can't wait to start with the gargoyles again, I want to see what Frank can produce with another red based female (or two)! ;)
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