Whenever I'm in his cage, whether to clean, mist, or feed, he tries to get to my hands so that he can subdue them with bites and chirp chirp chirp to his heart's content. Usually it's not much of a bother because crestie bites don't really hurt - they have such small teeth that I'd never had a painful bite (gargoyles are a different story).
Tonight... was different.
"Dum de dum, I'm not doing anything. I'm just sitting here lookin' cute!"
"What?! I'm completely innocent! Look at this face! See, I'm even smiling!"
Let me just respond to that with a "yeah right!" Retard. Check this out:
Yeah, believe it or not, that's a crested gecko bite. Little punk. He grabbed me like usual, but I wasn't expecting it and he got the entire end of my pinky in his mouth, up to right below the nail. And this bite HURT! I had to distract him with the other hand to finally get him off, and then he climbed up to the top of his cage to follow me for the pictures you see of him above.
So yeah, it bled quite a bit! I was surprised, the actual bite isn't very big (this is after I washed it out):
But it still hurts, dang it. Just a bad place for a bite. It's all puffy and you can even see a line on my nail where the some more of his teeth were.
So in any case, watch out for those crestie bites! Haha, just kidding. This was just one of those random freak events. I have been bit worse by one of my gargs - cresties are at the bottom of the totem pole as far as bite pain/damage goes.
Cresties < Gargoyles < Tokays (And this is why I do not have a Tokay!)
Edited to add: I just witnessed the necessary activity for Frank x Pâté babies! So super excited. Frank's never worked so fast in his life (was like 5-10 minutes) - guess since she wasn't squawking at him he decided to take his chance!
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