However, it's looking at this point that I don't have to worry about it anymore. *huge cheer* Today's texts with Brandon went like this:
Him: "Do you have any idea what your pH level is? I just checked mine and it was lower than normal. It's usually around 7.0-7.2 but it was 6.0 when I checked it."
Me: "It's the added ammonia from Oz. Bump up your water changes a LOT while the bacteria increase enough to handle the new load. It will stabilize back then. How are thing going for them? I've been really worried."
Him: "Not too bad. It's clear Oz doesn't want any friends. :) At least any big friends."
Me: "But he's not beating up on them too much is he? I'm just trying to figure out if I need to start looking for other options for him."
Him: "The kids love playing with him. He adds so much character to the tank. I can't imagine not having him as a part of the fish community." then "He's not beating them up aymore. It's clear that he is established as the alpha."
Me: "Omg you don't know what a relief that is to hear. I am so glad. So does he leave them alone now?"
Him: "Yes. He stays on his half of the tank. He has moved over to the white rocks now. He is working on a hole to china under the flat rock! He's been working on it for 3 days now."
Note that all important word in the last text - the very first one - "Yes". He is LEAVING THEM ALONE!!! I don't know if I thought it was possible. But I'm beyond thrilled.
Then he took two videos for me and sent them to me in an email called "The Land of Oz and His Hole to China! lol!!
So here I present Oz in his awesome new tank, where he is displaying his talents as a interior designer. He's removed all the gravel from behind the white rock and is piling it in the middle. Brandon filmed these, I just uploaded them.
And another - what cracks me up in this one (and Brandon too obviously - you can hear him chuckle) is that at the end you can see the pacu and oscar at the opposite end of the tank. I think the appropriate word for their apparent attitude is "cowed". Oz = The Big Boss
Also, I'd like to take this as an opportunity to give a little more information about what first started the texting, the pH issue. pH drops when ammonia increases. The addition of Oz and the ammonia he adds to the tank (fish excrete it through their gills and also the additional food being used for him and er... its result). Essentially, the tank is going through a "mini-cycle" with the addition of another fish. The amount of beneficial (and necessary) bacteria is not yet enough to handle the bioload that is now in the tank, so until it is, Brandon will need to perform frequent water changes to help keep his water parameters stable and as little ammonia as possible in the water (it's toxic to fish at certain pH levels).
If you are unfamiliar with the nitrogen cycle that occurs in all aquariums, read through these few pages to learn the basic idea. It's an absolutely VITAL part of maintaining aquariums and anyone who is interested in starting one (or even if you have one and have aren't informed on this topic) should understand the ins and outs of cycling before even filling up a tank. For a more interactive environment where you can ask your own questions and get answers from very knowledgeable fishkeepers, visit Ultimate Bettas, which is a fantastic forum (and talks about all animals - not just bettas!) :) I am a moderator there, and my username is JulieTheGr8t. Feel free to visit us anytime! Or post questions in your comments, I would be happy to answer them. I personally am the current owner of multiple aquariums. One less now though... *tiny sad sigh*
Now maybe I'll get together the funds for a blue tongue skink! o_0
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